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About us

A small company focusing on tea and tea equipment.

Our goal is to make more people enjoy a cup of tea.


Tea is suitable for everything, breakfast, dinner, when it is hot, something to warm up to, when you are unwell and in your own time.


Our main supplier is T2Tea. But we are always looking for new suppliers.  







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A little about T2Tea


T2 History

At T2, we're about reinventing and reimagining the humble tea leaf, and sharing our teas with anyone who'll listen.

We're inspired by the people we meet, and the far-flung places we visit. We get a kick out of taking ancient tea rituals and reimagining them, bringing them to a modern tea table. Every cup we brew is a chance to make tea more enjoyable, more accessible and more experimental; it's our opportunity to connect, understand and share with the world our love for a better cup of tea, everyday.


What makes T2 teas a
cup above the rest?

We use whole tea leaves rather than low grade tea dust or fannings. This means you get a brew with a complex flavor profile - from the first sip to the last, you'll experience a multitude of flavor notes and subtle changes.

Whole leaves with minimal breakage have retained their essential oils and flavor compounds, meaning you get a cup of tea that actually taste like tea!






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